4.5" Round measures approximately 4.3' wide x 4.3" tall
5" Round measures approximately 5" wide x 5" tall
6" Round measures approximately 6" wide x 6" tall
7" Round measures approximately 7" wide x 7" tall
3.5" Square measures approximately 3.5" wide x 4" tall
5" Square measures approximately 5" wide x 5.5" tall
6" Square measures approximately 6" wide x 6.5" tall
4" x 6" Horizontal Rectangle measures approximately 6" wide x 4.4" tall
5" x 7" Horizontal rectangle measures approximately 5" x 7.5"
4" x 6" Vertical Rectangle measures approximately 4" wide x 6.4" tall
5" x 7" Vertical rectangle measures approximately 7" x 5.5"
Beehive measures approximately 4.2" wide x 4.5" tall
Bunny measures approximately 3.4" wide x 7" tall
Butterfly measures approximately 5.5" wide x 5.5" tall
Cat measures approximately 3.7" wide x 4.4" tall
Celtic Shamrock measures approximately 5" wide x 6" tall
Christmas tree measures approximately 5" wide x 6.5" tall
Dog measures approximately 3" wide x 4" tall
Double Heart measures approximately 6.3" tall x 8" wide
Family Wordart measures approximately 3.5" wide x 4.7" tall
Flag measures approximately 6.25" wide x 5.25" tall
Football measures approximately 6" wide x 4" tall
Football Helmet measures approximately 4.3" wide x 4" tall
Friends Wordart measures approximately 3.5" wide x 4.7" tall
Give Wordart measures approximately 3.5" wide x 4.7" tall
Happy Wordart measures approximately 3.5" wide x 4.7" tall
Heart measures approximately 5" wide x 5.6" tall
Hexagon measures approximately 6.3" wide x 6" tall
Lamp measures approximately 6.6" tall x 5" wide
Love Wordart measures approximately 3.5" wide x 4.7" tall
Mason Jar 5" measures approximately 2.8" wide x 5" tall
Mason Jar 6" measures approximately 6.4" tall x 3.5" wide
Mr. and Mr. Wordart measures approximately 3.5" wide x 4.7" tall
Mr. and Mrs. Wordart measures approximately 3.5" wide x 4.7" tall
Name Plate Rectangle measures approximately 3" x 9"
Pumpkin measures approximately 4.5" wide x 4.2" tall
Rectangle measures approximately 6" wide x 7" tall
Rounded star measures approximately 6" wide x 6.5" tall
Sailboat measures approximately 4.75" wide x 6.6" tall
Sawblade measures approximately 5" wide x 5.5" tall
Shamrock measures approximately 5" wide x 6" tall
Snow Globe measures approximately 3.7" x 4.5" tall
Triangle measures approximately 5" wide x 4.8" tall
Unicorn measures approximately 5.3" x 7.5" tall